Gary Moeller
Episode 169: DEXTER BUSSEY in the Battle of His LIFE!

Typical Dexter Bussey: No complaints
It’s the latest No Filter Sports Podcast with Eli Zaret, Denny McLain, and Bob Page!
- One of the most popular Lions in memory, DEXTER BUSSEY, joins the boys on his career, unusual POST-career — AND his health!
- You’ll hear the voice of legendary sportscaster Bob Reynolds on Dex. WHAT? Never heard of BOB REYNOLDS?! It’s NOT all pretty.
- Not only did the Tigers actually win a GAME against Cleveland, they won the weekend series!
- Now what? Does Al Avila go for broke or does he start trading guys for more “prospects” - SUSPECTS - at the deadline?
- The PC Posse continues its takeover of sports, UNLESS, as Bob points out, you’re a black NBA player making a racist comment.
- And to think of Mike Milbury being “canceled” for a totally innocuous statement — whether YOU like him as a commentator or not.
- Resident golf mavens Eli and Denny go NUTS over what Dustin Johnson did last weekend! Does Koepka eat humble pie?
- Did they just hold one of the greatest events of the sports world in veritable secrecy?! Almost seems that way!
- Denny may not like it, but one NFL team now says there WILL be fans at ITS home games this year.
- Those stories, Eli with “This Day in Sports,” Bob with YOUR mailbag and much more right here!
Episode 138: NOLAN and FRANK — Oh, MY!!!

The best 1-2 punch since Spahn and Sain and pray for rain.
It’s the latest No Filter Sports Podcast with Eli Zaret, Denny McLain, and Bob Page!
- From booze and broads in L.A. to “rebirth” in his hometown, Detroit’s own FRANK TANANA is our guest!
- As they used to say: VCR ALERT!!! A THREE-HOUR TV special JUST on the new NFL sked! (Yippee)
- There ARE certain pro sports underway in the midst of the COVID pandemic. Desperate enough yet to watch them?
- Michigan and Michigan State football: Who needs EITHER? — as one famous coach seems to be implying.
- Eli has more on the sex abuse scandal at U-M. A listener asks, “How is a ‘retired’ sports reporter scooping the CURRENT media?!”
- Pete Rose selfish and reckless for still signing at sport shows? Bob says “B.S.!” Pete corked his bats? DENNY says “BFD!”
- Eli has a confession: he actually listens to local sports radio “guy-talk!” But he still makes fun of it.
- NBA issues: WHEN it returns there may be a big drop-off in play AND is K.D. still paid $$$$ if his Nets are not ALLOWED to play?
- Will ESPN’s “Last Dance” NEVER end?! NOW we go from EVERYONE hating on Isiah to Sir Charles and M.J. hating on each other.
- Bob details how and why Giants quarterback Phil Simms said an emphatic “NO!” to playing golf with Michael.
- Eli said “YES!” to HIS golf game with comedian Tim Allen. THOSE stories, YOUR mailbag and much more right here!
Episode 104: A GREAT Spartan Remembered by One of His Top Stars

One of the great athletes that played for George Perles
Welcome to No Filter Sports Podcast with Eli Zaret, Denny McLain and Bob Page!
- MSU coach, A.D. and Trustee George Perles has passed away. One of his finest players, Todd Krumm, joins us to reminisce.
- MORE trouble for John Beilein, now from a Cavs team meeting! Bob: WHY did John leave U-M?! Cut bait on a BAD hire!
- Eli, meanwhile, is not too thrilled with Carolina coach Roy Williams — who is NOT too thrilled with his roster.
- Is he gonna stay or go?! Time for the Pathetic Pistons to DO something about Andre Drummond.
- And that’s only one of their many problems: Blake Griffin’s latest injury may end his career. Eli to Tom Gores: Sell the team!
- A respected baseball site says starting pitchers Casey Mize and Matt Manning are the Tigers’ top prospects. So PITCH ’em!
- We lay out the NFL playoff match-ups with times and weather forecasts AND lay out the latest coaching hires.
- Is this what it’s come to for one of the great franchises in sports: few in Michigan even CARE about the Wings anymore?!
- That story on YOUR mailbag, PLUS Denny meets Dizzy, a shout-out to the Toledo police force and more right here!
Episode 101: The Boys Go Back on Their Word — and WON’T Apologize!

Let me tell you, it’s not true.
It’s the latest No Filter Sports Podcast with Eli Zaret, Denny McLain, and Bob Page.
- We made a pact never to discuss politics or religion on our show. Thanks to CLEMSON, Eli, Denny and Bob BREAK it!
- The NFL wildcard games are set, so is college football’s national title game. Is Denny LOSING it? He damns LSU with faint praise!
- Were you rooting, as ALL Big Ten fans SHOULD be, for Ohio State against Clemson? Many jealous M types weren’t!
- How about the scintillating MSU/Wake Forest game? Following THAT snoozer, Mark Dantonio questions persist.
- The FL’s humiliated, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory in the finale. Incredibly, one Lion is HAPPY. You won’t believe WHY!
- New Year, Schmoo Year! Expect more of the same in 2020 from the Pathetic Pistons AND The Detroit Dead Wings.
- Columbus coach John Tortorella has another meltdown, this time over ANOTHER bad official’s call. Had enough yet?
- Michigan and Michigan State basketball clash this Sunday. Why on EARTH should M be without its best player?!
- 2020 — the year of sports gambling? Noted expert, attorney Dan Wallach, is on our next show. If YOU gamble, don’t miss it!
- Those stories, YOUR weekly mailbag and much more right here.
Episode 94: The Red Baron Himself Reminisces!

Life is good!
It’s the latest No Filter Sports Podcast with Eli Zaret, Denny McLain, and Bob Page.
- A somber note to start this show: Denny is not with us due to the death of his beloved wife Sharon.
- Eli recounts in moving detail their long-time — and up-and-down — love story.
- But the great Red Berenson IS with us on so MANY historic hockey moments he was part of, the Wings, U-M and MORE!
- U-M and MSU basketball BOTH utterly HUMILIATED Tuesday night! But Bob says the two losses were VERY different.
- Does Michigan football really want to (GULP) play ALABAMA in a bowl game?! Ohio State redux?
- Could another new twist on MSU’s Larry Nassar disaster leave MSU declaring BANKRUPTCY?!
- He said, HE said? Bob’s interaction with powerful MSU Trustee Joel Ferguson has created some waves!
- NFL coaches are on the hot seat — but not Matt Patricia? Eli has lowlights of the early years of many FL’s coaches.
- Babs SMEARED for mistreatment of ex-players like Johan Franzen, but wouldn’t the Wings STILL be better off with him NOW?
- PLUS, whither the Pistons? Rudy T once WOWED Eli but ATTACKED Bob(!), YOUR mailbag and much more right here!
Episode 81: ’84 Tigers Hero to — Stand-Up? DON’T Miss this Interview with Ruppert Jones!

“I don’t want to get out of my lane.”
It’s the latest No Filter Sports Podcast with Eli Zaret, Denny McLain and Bob Page.
- A hero of the ’84 World Series champs, Ruppert joins us to discuss that magical year, why he didn’t come back, his personal struggles and more.
- Oh, so you say the FL’s were “robbed” by the officials at Green Bay? Eli’s pissed too, Denny disagrees and, as usual, “The Bob Page Lions’ Lament” sez …
- It’s the NEW “biggest game of Jim Harbaugh’s coaching career” Saturday night at Penn State. Is it really make-or-break time for him?
- We only know one thing about the MLB Playoffs: the Nats are going to the World Series. And who called that one? He’s NOT too modest to say!
- “Fired up?” Denny ‘s APOPLECTIC! He’s almost frothing at the mouth about juiced (or DE-juiced) baseballs — as Eli sadistically presses his buttons.
- Basketball’s Jim Calhoun has done something so reprehensible Bob’s shocked that he’s not in jail already!
- Are you getting your money’s worth at an NBA game? A new study implies NOT and Eli confirms — while Denny just DOESN’T get it.
LeBron’s controversy is the latest story to remind us that politics and sports, like it or not, are inextricably bound. - Those stories, Eli walked out of the arena and missed WHAT? Reggie Jackson ALMOST redeems himself with Denny plus much more!
- And don’t forget: Mike Lucci, named to the All-Time Lions team, will join us on Monday’s show.